Jet Reports
Posted Purchase Invoice
A purchase invoice can be any receipt or record of a supplier invoice for goods or services, which also include rent and utility bills. The invoice details are entered manually and the invoice lines are matched to outstanding purchase orders. To create this report, you need to pull out information from the following table.
Step 1 Know where you are pulling your data from
Just as shown below, the NL(Rows) will contain our source of data, which will be pulled from the table “VAT Entry“. The NF (Keys) will be a cell reference, which will be referencing cell $D7, and the fields will be pulled from below the “$D&“ names as shown.
Since we now know where to pull our table, keys, and fields from, I’ll show you how to do that here. Once you are done creating the functions, you can remove the names on the last row. They are just there to guide you on the name to put in the field when filling in the formulas.
filling the formulas for the NL function.
Fill in as shown below
Filling the formulas for the NF function
Fill in as shown below.
Note: use the same procedure to fill in all the NF functions. the key will be the same, just the field will be different.
Filling in the NL Formula for Purch. inv Line.
Fill in as shown below. Note that we apply a filter (Document No) here, referencing no. pull from Purch. inv. Header.
Filling the formulas for the NF function.
After filling in the formulas, it should look like this.
Step 3 Running your report.
When you run your report, it should look beautiful as shown below.