Microsoft Business Central
Revaluation of Exchange Rates
These adjustments are done to revalue all the customer ledger entries, vendor ledger entries and bank ledger entries.
To perform Revaluation an end of month revaluation of currency.
1. Choose the Search icon, Currencies, and then choose the related link.
2. On the Currencies page, click on Process and Select Adjust Exchange Rate page.
3. On the Adjust Exchange Rate page,
Starting Date : Specifies the beginning of the period for which entries are adjusted. This field is usually left blank, but you can enter a date. Note: Best practice is to leave it blank so any adjustments you missed previously can be captured.
Ending Date : Specifies the last date for which entries are adjusted. This date is usually the same as the posting date in the Posting Date field.
Posting Date: Specifies the date on which the general ledger entries are posted. The posted entries appears at the Exchange Rate Adjustments Registers. This date is usually the same as the ending date in the Ending Date field.
Document No: Specifies the document number that will appear on the general ledger entries that are created by the batch job. For example ADJUST MAY EX.
Adjust Customer, Vendor and Bank Accounts: Specifies if you want to adjust customer, vendor, and bank accounts for currency fluctuations.
Adjust G/L Accounts for Add.-Reporting Currency: Specifies if you want to post in an additional reporting currency and adjust general ledger accounts for currency fluctuations between LCY and the additional reporting currency.
4. Click on OK.